We went to third stage today (ater another night without sleep (we were awake all day siting on the roof and talked about everything) anyway, we went by train to Meguro station and after a couple of houres walking to the wrong directions we asked a policman were to go and found the place!
I must say... I did love it, but I do hate it.... I brought SO MUCH! I mean... 13 CD's, 2 Lp's, two photobooks, one DVD and one game... xD
After that we tried to find Club Holiday because Antifeminism were to have a consert there :D unfortunatly... we never found the place... we are so great I know.
So we wenr back to our hotell, found real food to eat (warm freshmade food) and then we went to the internetcafe (again)
I have many more picks at my bdb ^^
1 kommentar:
oj, farlig affär... ^^"
noes, synd att ni inte hittade =( Men gott och få lite riktig mat =) Måste äta ordentligt ibland iaf, så ni håller er friska o så^^ vill att ni ska må bra me^^ *känner mi som tjatig mamma, men men* ^^
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