
Nagoya, Club Holiday

HEJ! ^^
We arrived today at our hotel in Nagoya (wich looks SO expensive...even trough we picked the cheapest one at travellerspoint.com) But we do not complane.. ^^"
we did not have the time to go to the consert I wanted to go to T________T *cries*
I just have to hope that we will get tickets to a consert in Osaka a few days before we leave..

Today we have been out walking around (everything was closed before 6 pm...) some old men wanted us to join them but we did not want to..
We walked an found CLUB HOLIDAY :D :D but the clock were much so they were about to close :< but we will go there again tomorrow ^___^

I will try to upload picktures at my bdb either later today or tomorrow.
I have to gto now... bye! and hugs ^^

1 kommentar:

Anonym sa...

noes, synd att ni inte kunda =( men ni ska ju ändå på ngra konserter iaf^^ lr, har varit på kanske, har inte riktigt koll på när ja läser från o var ja e nu, haha, men men :P