
Gifu (again)

Now I hav not writen here in a while (again)
So I write now instead..
the 14:th we were suposed to go to Takayama but we wnded up visiting Gifu once again. Why? Well... we had to go to Gifu and change train there to Takayama... but offcourse we just missed our train in Gifu with around 5 minutes... and the next one was not going for around 2 houres... and then it would be to late... so we decided to stay in Gifu so that we did not waste our trip there..

We found a BIG beautykindofstore, where jojjo could redo her nails (and she did) That took like... a few houres.... but after that we shoped loss in beautystuff *jojjo makes me girly -__-* But I brought bleach and haircolour :D yey and more stuff like makeup and such. AND ofcourse we did find a store that had CD and DVD I wanted :< moneyeating store...

in the evening we waxed jojjos legs and recoloured my hair (it does not look so failed as it jused to)

1 kommentar:

Anonym sa...

haha, jojj gör di girly XP :P mindre dyrt o fixa naglarna där än här?^^