
To Tokyo!

yesterday we waked up like... 9 am (we did not really sleap because ve had a BIG tv at our hotell so we stayed upp and watched Luna Sea and Buck-Tick <3

we wanted to go to Mt. Fuji but we faied... vi found a temple wich vere a real temple and not a touristatractionthingy. that was cool, but we tried to take the buss to a station were you were suposed to see fuji but I really do not know were we ended upp... so we took the next buss to the trainstation... were we found a big mall with everything from juwlery to 100Yen stores ^^

jojjo did find a ring and a pair of shoes. I did find eyelaches xD at the 100 yenstore ;) and a hello kitty thingi to veran, what it is I wont tell yet ^___^

later we hurried back to the hotell (we were late) but lukily the owner ofered uss a ride to the station with our packing! :D
And at the station we desided to take the buss instead of take the train and change SO many times. And it was so unecpensive... it was like 1700 Yen or something like that. From Mt. Fuji to Shinjuku in Tokyo.
we found our hotell easey but it is a bit bad.. not bad bad, but not so good eather. there live 3 sweedish guys there (unfortunatly nerds) Theye are 17 and 18 and have just been intrudused to alcohol by 2 amaricans....
bla bla bla, then we went to sleep

1 kommentar:

Anonym sa...

synd att ni missa mt fuji, men skönt o slippa byten o snäll ägare som skjutsade iaf^^