
Mt. Fuji

Today we are heading to Mt. Fuji!
And the trip was NOT easey I must say... We had to change train at least 4 times (I do not really remember but it was many)
From Nagoya to shin Yokohama were we changed to yokohama line to the endstation and there we had to change to a rapid train I think..Kaiji something to the next station and then swich to a lokal train. @__@
it took us nearley 6 houres to get from our hotell in Nagoya to our hotell in Mt. Fuji... (we did missed one train so we had to wait an houre for the next one)

the first thing we notised was that it is not as warm here as in the other cities we ahve visited... It was (only) 26 C here :D nice

and our hotell is so NICE and there are several people from Noreway here. So we get to speach swedish for once (and that was just... something you were not used to o.O) And we wached totoro together xD

1 kommentar:

Anonym sa...

hehe, kul att träffa folk o prata svenska me :P ^^
lång resa^^ sj började ja min hemresa igår tio på morgonen o va hemma halv ett på natten, iofs flyg i d, men från spanien.. inte så långt :P men typ 8 timmar väntetid >_<
haha, o nu har ja läst dina bloggtexter i typ 1,5 timme, gissa på att d kommer ta typ lika lpng tid me jojjs, o så har ja sofias o läsa me.. va bara borta i 3 veckor o rejält efter nu XP