Today we went to akihabara to look what several cameras cost for my dad. We did also found a cdstore... and ofcourse we found more cds we wanted xD
I brought Zilch 321, Hide your face and a live dvd with personz!
After that we went to Harajuku and I found a t-shirt with hide on it! for less then 3000 yen! they had many Cosplaycostumes with the gazette for less then 10 000 yen (maybe thets why so many japanese cosplay them in Harajuku?)
Jojjo have brought LOTS of new clothes xD
When we tried to get home we did not find our JR train so we had to take the subway (and pay) wich we did not find at first...
Now we are home at our hotell and want to sleep!
going back to harajuku tomorow (because we run ut of money today xD)
Changing hotel in Tokyo
And it took almous al day, I hate my bag It hurts in my back... we saw a Beostare in a cage on our way to our new hotell. After quite some time we manage to find our hotell... and straight after a waked into my room I fall asleap (the same for jojjo) and we did not wake up untill 12 the day after... We manage to sleep for around 18 houres o.O so it was a short day xD
Third Stage
We went to third stage today (ater another night without sleep (we were awake all day siting on the roof and talked about everything) anyway, we went by train to Meguro station and after a couple of houres walking to the wrong directions we asked a policman were to go and found the place!
I must say... I did love it, but I do hate it.... I brought SO MUCH! I mean... 13 CD's, 2 Lp's, two photobooks, one DVD and one game... xD
After that we tried to find Club Holiday because Antifeminism were to have a consert there :D unfortunatly... we never found the place... we are so great I know.
So we wenr back to our hotell, found real food to eat (warm freshmade food) and then we went to the internetcafe (again)
I have many more picks at my bdb ^^
Shinjuku, shibuya, Yoyogi and Harajuku in a day
Today we were suposed to wake upp at 10 oclock but as usual we oversleppt to around 2 but luckily it did rain as hell al day so we had not went out anyway..
byt we went to Shinjuku at the evening to find a internet cafe.. but we did not... instead we ended up walking trough Shinjuku, yoyogi, Shibuya and ended up in harajuki, but we missed all the fun stuff... we did not see any intresting stores just rodes and reasturants... but we found a fun streat in harajuku but all the stores were closed xD so we will go there again by tomorrow. ^^
we did also find out today that we have access to all the good stations with our railpass! that is just great! ^^ so we save money on that.
byt we went to Shinjuku at the evening to find a internet cafe.. but we did not... instead we ended up walking trough Shinjuku, yoyogi, Shibuya and ended up in harajuki, but we missed all the fun stuff... we did not see any intresting stores just rodes and reasturants... but we found a fun streat in harajuku but all the stores were closed xD so we will go there again by tomorrow. ^^
we did also find out today that we have access to all the good stations with our railpass! that is just great! ^^ so we save money on that.
To Tokyo!
yesterday we waked up like... 9 am (we did not really sleap because ve had a BIG tv at our hotell so we stayed upp and watched Luna Sea and Buck-Tick <3
we wanted to go to Mt. Fuji but we faied... vi found a temple wich vere a real temple and not a touristatractionthingy. that was cool, but we tried to take the buss to a station were you were suposed to see fuji but I really do not know were we ended upp... so we took the next buss to the trainstation... were we found a big mall with everything from juwlery to 100Yen stores ^^
jojjo did find a ring and a pair of shoes. I did find eyelaches xD at the 100 yenstore ;) and a hello kitty thingi to veran, what it is I wont tell yet ^___^
later we hurried back to the hotell (we were late) but lukily the owner ofered uss a ride to the station with our packing! :D
And at the station we desided to take the buss instead of take the train and change SO many times. And it was so unecpensive... it was like 1700 Yen or something like that. From Mt. Fuji to Shinjuku in Tokyo.
we found our hotell easey but it is a bit bad.. not bad bad, but not so good eather. there live 3 sweedish guys there (unfortunatly nerds) Theye are 17 and 18 and have just been intrudused to alcohol by 2 amaricans....
bla bla bla, then we went to sleep
yesterday we waked up like... 9 am (we did not really sleap because ve had a BIG tv at our hotell so we stayed upp and watched Luna Sea and Buck-Tick <3
we wanted to go to Mt. Fuji but we faied... vi found a temple wich vere a real temple and not a touristatractionthingy. that was cool, but we tried to take the buss to a station were you were suposed to see fuji but I really do not know were we ended upp... so we took the next buss to the trainstation... were we found a big mall with everything from juwlery to 100Yen stores ^^
jojjo did find a ring and a pair of shoes. I did find eyelaches xD at the 100 yenstore ;) and a hello kitty thingi to veran, what it is I wont tell yet ^___^
later we hurried back to the hotell (we were late) but lukily the owner ofered uss a ride to the station with our packing! :D
And at the station we desided to take the buss instead of take the train and change SO many times. And it was so unecpensive... it was like 1700 Yen or something like that. From Mt. Fuji to Shinjuku in Tokyo.
we found our hotell easey but it is a bit bad.. not bad bad, but not so good eather. there live 3 sweedish guys there (unfortunatly nerds) Theye are 17 and 18 and have just been intrudused to alcohol by 2 amaricans....
bla bla bla, then we went to sleep
Mt. Fuji
Today we are heading to Mt. Fuji!
And the trip was NOT easey I must say... We had to change train at least 4 times (I do not really remember but it was many)
From Nagoya to shin Yokohama were we changed to yokohama line to the endstation and there we had to change to a rapid train I think..Kaiji something to the next station and then swich to a lokal train. @__@
it took us nearley 6 houres to get from our hotell in Nagoya to our hotell in Mt. Fuji... (we did missed one train so we had to wait an houre for the next one)
the first thing we notised was that it is not as warm here as in the other cities we ahve visited... It was (only) 26 C here :D nice
and our hotell is so NICE and there are several people from Noreway here. So we get to speach swedish for once (and that was just... something you were not used to o.O) And we wached totoro together xD
And the trip was NOT easey I must say... We had to change train at least 4 times (I do not really remember but it was many)
From Nagoya to shin Yokohama were we changed to yokohama line to the endstation and there we had to change to a rapid train I think..Kaiji something to the next station and then swich to a lokal train. @__@
it took us nearley 6 houres to get from our hotell in Nagoya to our hotell in Mt. Fuji... (we did missed one train so we had to wait an houre for the next one)
the first thing we notised was that it is not as warm here as in the other cities we ahve visited... It was (only) 26 C here :D nice
and our hotell is so NICE and there are several people from Noreway here. So we get to speach swedish for once (and that was just... something you were not used to o.O) And we wached totoro together xD
TODAY WAS THE DAY!!! (15:th)
todays the day we finaly go to our first consert. We will see DespairsRay, 12012, The Underneath and 175Biz ^^
We went to the conserthall like... 3-4 houres befor the opening.. because we did not really know where the conserthall were... but offcourse it was easey to find so we just sat down a little bit from the doors. and like 1 houre till the opening we start to see alternative looking people.. and then I saw one walking away from the conserthall and I was lik "you are walking the wrong way" Jojjo looked upp and was like..."Isnt that Zero!?" we looked on each other and jojjo said "lets folow him!" but I did not want to so I sat down and waited for them to come back, wich they did... and it was indeed Zero. How cool isnt that? Jojjo saw where they had parked their car xD and a bit later we saw one or two from the underneath walking into the hall.. right in front of like 5 people who were there for the consert ^^
But I must say... Japanese conserts are NOT like swedish... Japanese just stand still and watch... Its a bit lame.. but me and jojjo tried our best to rock. so it do hurt a bit in my neck now the day after.
we got free flyers :D on 12012, the underneath, Despa, 175biz o sadie (?) ^^
todays the day we finaly go to our first consert. We will see DespairsRay, 12012, The Underneath and 175Biz ^^
We went to the conserthall like... 3-4 houres befor the opening.. because we did not really know where the conserthall were... but offcourse it was easey to find so we just sat down a little bit from the doors. and like 1 houre till the opening we start to see alternative looking people.. and then I saw one walking away from the conserthall and I was lik "you are walking the wrong way" Jojjo looked upp and was like..."Isnt that Zero!?" we looked on each other and jojjo said "lets folow him!" but I did not want to so I sat down and waited for them to come back, wich they did... and it was indeed Zero. How cool isnt that? Jojjo saw where they had parked their car xD and a bit later we saw one or two from the underneath walking into the hall.. right in front of like 5 people who were there for the consert ^^
But I must say... Japanese conserts are NOT like swedish... Japanese just stand still and watch... Its a bit lame.. but me and jojjo tried our best to rock. so it do hurt a bit in my neck now the day after.
we got free flyers :D on 12012, the underneath, Despa, 175biz o sadie (?) ^^
Gifu (again)
Now I hav not writen here in a while (again)
So I write now instead..
the 14:th we were suposed to go to Takayama but we wnded up visiting Gifu once again. Why? Well... we had to go to Gifu and change train there to Takayama... but offcourse we just missed our train in Gifu with around 5 minutes... and the next one was not going for around 2 houres... and then it would be to late... so we decided to stay in Gifu so that we did not waste our trip there..
We found a BIG beautykindofstore, where jojjo could redo her nails (and she did) That took like... a few houres.... but after that we shoped loss in beautystuff *jojjo makes me girly -__-* But I brought bleach and haircolour :D yey and more stuff like makeup and such. AND ofcourse we did find a store that had CD and DVD I wanted :< moneyeating store...
in the evening we waxed jojjos legs and recoloured my hair (it does not look so failed as it jused to)
So I write now instead..
the 14:th we were suposed to go to Takayama but we wnded up visiting Gifu once again. Why? Well... we had to go to Gifu and change train there to Takayama... but offcourse we just missed our train in Gifu with around 5 minutes... and the next one was not going for around 2 houres... and then it would be to late... so we decided to stay in Gifu so that we did not waste our trip there..
We found a BIG beautykindofstore, where jojjo could redo her nails (and she did) That took like... a few houres.... but after that we shoped loss in beautystuff *jojjo makes me girly -__-* But I brought bleach and haircolour :D yey and more stuff like makeup and such. AND ofcourse we did find a store that had CD and DVD I wanted :< moneyeating store...
in the evening we waxed jojjos legs and recoloured my hair (it does not look so failed as it jused to)
I do not like Gifu :< We went there to find paperparasolls (how that now is spelled in english o.O) and lamps, BUT WE DID NOT FIND ANY ,______, and I'm stuck in Nagoya without money and I can't take out any beckause all the macheanes we hve found just take Japanese visa ,___, And we did not have time to go to Club Holiday today eather... So that sucks..
And what sucks even more is that a oldish indianlooking guy came to uss at the station and wanted us to go drink with him... And he thought that jojjo were from Russia... AND HE FLIRTED WITH ME *cries* ,____, No I don't want to look any guy in the eye anymore ,___,
The only positive is that I think that I'm getting used to the heat here or something... beckause i do not sweat as mutch anymore ^___^
And what sucks even more is that a oldish indianlooking guy came to uss at the station and wanted us to go drink with him... And he thought that jojjo were from Russia... AND HE FLIRTED WITH ME *cries* ,____, No I don't want to look any guy in the eye anymore ,___,
The only positive is that I think that I'm getting used to the heat here or something... beckause i do not sweat as mutch anymore ^___^
Nagoya, Club Holiday
HEJ! ^^
We arrived today at our hotel in Nagoya (wich looks SO expensive...even trough we picked the cheapest one at But we do not complane.. ^^"
we did not have the time to go to the consert I wanted to go to T________T *cries*
I just have to hope that we will get tickets to a consert in Osaka a few days before we leave..
Today we have been out walking around (everything was closed before 6 pm...) some old men wanted us to join them but we did not want to..
We walked an found CLUB HOLIDAY :D :D but the clock were much so they were about to close :< but we will go there again tomorrow ^___^
I will try to upload picktures at my bdb either later today or tomorrow.
I have to gto now... bye! and hugs ^^
We arrived today at our hotel in Nagoya (wich looks SO expensive...even trough we picked the cheapest one at But we do not complane.. ^^"
we did not have the time to go to the consert I wanted to go to T________T *cries*
I just have to hope that we will get tickets to a consert in Osaka a few days before we leave..
Today we have been out walking around (everything was closed before 6 pm...) some old men wanted us to join them but we did not want to..
We walked an found CLUB HOLIDAY :D :D but the clock were much so they were about to close :< but we will go there again tomorrow ^___^
I will try to upload picktures at my bdb either later today or tomorrow.
I have to gto now... bye! and hugs ^^
Nagoya here we come!
Stone garden
Today we decided to rent a bicycle each ^^ because we wanted to go and see temples and it is a to long way to walk. we wanted to go to the Ryoanji temple but it was not to easy to find >_< it took us 2 hours to find it... and we had to ask for the way at a museum we found (The Kyoto museum of world peace) Jojjo went in with my map to ask for the way (the map in my Swedish Japan guide) the lady she asked was like "is this Kyoto" xD how fun..
when we finally found the temple the clock was around 14.30 so we did just have around 2 hours until all the temples closed... so this Ryoanji temple was the only one we had time to see.. It was so BEAUTIFUL! <3 and the stone garden o_o I just love it, I did try to meditate there for a while ^^ The stones had an greenish aura.
as a souvenir i brought a gorgeous kaleidoscope and a bag with cute balls. when we were on our way home we found a kind of CD shop.. and we wanted to go inside to look. How stupid are we(?) I am so BAD, I saw so much I wanted ,___, and I brought so much... jojjo found 2 boxes with buck-tick so we brought one each (mine contained a album with plastic cases and pictures of the band members ^^) I did also find a CD with hide <3 a VHS with hide and a VHS with X (Dahlia) and LUNA SEA one night Dejavu. All this cost me almost30 000 \ T________T *cries* So no dinner for me tonight...
When we came back to the hotel later we tried to get some concert tickets, but it went straight to hell... They did not find them in the convenient stores... so that made us sad... but back to the hotel we got help from the owners (mother, father and daughter) They were so kind so we will buy flowers to them tomorrow ^___^ Thanks to them we do now have tickets to a concert with D'espairsRay and 12012 (and more bands I do not remember the name on) But because the concert I want to go to is tomorrow they have stopped sell the tickets so we do not know if it is soled out... so we have to cross our fingers and hope that they sell tickets at the door tomorrow.. (otherwise I will be sad... I want to see Chariots and Versailles ,_____,)
But we'll see ^^
At the picture, Do not go into stores which looks like this... They kill your wallet.
More pictures on bilddagboken ^^
I have upload more pictures at my bdb the last houres (this computer is so slow)
the clock is almoust 1 am now xD I need to sleep I think.
but so you all know ^^
the clock is almoust 1 am now xD I need to sleep I think.
but so you all know ^^
Kyoto ^___^
We owerslept today >.<>
heh... We were suposed to rent bicykles and go to some temples... but most of them close around 4-5... so we did not have the time. Instead we went around to look for bamboo parasolls and sandales... but we did not found any D: and we did not walk as much today as we usualy do.. only around 3 houres.. I do not have so much more to say... the clock is 22.47 pm here and we will soon go to bead. I ate real food today :D (and yesterday as well) Rice with fryed fish and samon <3
And jojjo and I played a game :D one was suposed to pic a random track from jojjos ipod and try to paint the name with figures. It was fun ^^
my pic is suposed to be me and jojjo and the death (song name "death is in love with us) jojjo was like "huh? lmc?
Shoping in Kyoto
we did not waked up until 10-11 am today.. and we did not walked out of our hotel until 12 am.
We had decided to shop today and look on temples tomorrow. ^^
we walked and found a area with many small stores and restaurants etc. and it never ended, we thought we were lost at the end (I did find the way back at the end)
I did brought today one pair of shoes (girly with a heal, this was unexpected... because I never find women shoes that fit on my big feats.. we finally found a 100 Yen store! I brought 4 false eyelashes! ^^ and many different drinks. We did also found a cdstore! They had Dir en grey! :D And glay, anf Buck-tick, and X, and hide (!!!!!!) I brought thoes..^^" and a cd with X and a cd with B-T ^^ (happi fish is me) they did also have a lot of kat-tun, news tagomas (manestreame stuff) there were also some gackt, D and Luna sea <3
we walked al day (as usual) and was back to tha hotel around 8 pm.. we sat in Jojjos bed and talked for a while... and later we went out to a Family mart to se if there were a cardgame we could buy (there were none) :(
and after that I have been siting here in front of the computer ;D
Now I have to sleep! It will be a long day tomorrow... bye bye
Shukkeien garden and going to Kyoto
When we waked up today the clock was around 9 am and we had to leave the Ryokan by 10. we wanted to go to the Shukkeien garden before we went towards Kyoto.. but we did not want to cary around our luggage.. Luckily our muminmormor sad that it was okay to leave it in the Ryokan and come and get it later. how good for us. ^^
We found the garden and we meet a older Japanese man who speaked english (!) he had been living in usa and teatch in english there :) He said that we had "very intresting outfits" and he wanted to take a photo of us ^^
inside the garden it was BEAUTIFUL! plants and trees everywhere and flowers and much more :D
we walked and walked for 2-3 houres and took photos and filmed. I loved that park, when we leaved we brought a souvenire each ^^
we did get our stuff and took picktures of us and our muminmormor (unfortunarly bouth our cameras were out of bateries... so I have the photos in my cellphone =/
and now we headed back to Shin-Osaka with a Hikara star train (it took 1 h instead of 3) and canged to a lokal train to Kyoto in Shin-Osaka.
This hotel took like forever to find -__- 3 houres I think we walked... and right outside the trainstation we saw three Ganguros :D they were very loudly (for you who does not know how ganguros looks like, search for "ganguro" "mamba" "gyaruru" "yamamba" on google)
byt after some help from a older man we found "Kyoto cheapest in" and arived around 7 pm.
we found our bed and fall to sleap ^^""
A-bomb dome and the Peace memorial park in Hiroshima
Now I have found out that there are people reading here so I`ll keep on writing ^^
The clock is around 12.35 am right now (no one wait for the computer after me so I can have it as long as I want :D)
I am not sure what I have write this far... Like what I have written about Hiroshima (?)
probably nothing xD
We traveled with many trains to get to Hiroshima (Osaka loop line to Osaka station, change to Kyoto jr to Shin-osaka change to hiroshima train and travel in 3 hours until we were in Hiroshima, then change to a lokal streetcar to the nearest station to our Ryokan)
We found the Ryokan almoust emeadietly and without asking for healp ;D
the owner was so cind and sweet to uss, so we named her our "muminmormor" ^^ and we had ac in our room! (we had it so cold so we waked upp with a cold...
the same day we arived to the Ryokan we want to se the A-bomb dome and peace memorial park. We did also walked to Chou (central) park and to Hiroshima castle. after that we found a supermarket! (FOOD!! haha) I do not like that fruit is not as cheap as in sweden ,___,
but I do like that the seafood (scampi :D) are cheap. we brougt some strange food (I want to eat real food, we never eat haha, we want to save money..) but now we wanted to go home... not so easy...Hiroshima do not look the same on the night as it doin the day... so it took us a looong time to find the way back, and we was not to happy and did argue a lot heh...
We went to our room, ate up our food and fall asleap.
Pic in The Ryokan ^^
Is anyone reading at all?
Because it does not feel like it... and that make me fell that it is to no use to write here anymore...
so if noone show that they are intrested in what I do in Japan I wont write here anymore, bye
so if noone show that they are intrested in what I do in Japan I wont write here anymore, bye
Osaka city, Namba and SEX POT ReVeNGe

Today me and jojjo went to Osaka city and I brought a new camera ;)
the newest one, for around 34 000 Yen ^^ but now I wont go to that store again... the electronic part were as big as an ö&b times 8... I allso brought more nailes :D and another hat there ^^ i payed the camera with my visa... first I must say that almoust every shop that we went to today did take visa... from what I had heard before I went to Osaka was that there are very few stores that took cards... Not true.. but Japan is not a cardcountry... it is not suposed to take 20-30 minutes to pay with a card -_-
There are no place to sitt in the city... and that is BAD, my feet hurts today again..
after we were to Osakastation we desided to go back to Namba because we found out that sex pot revenge were located there, and jojjo wanted to buy from there. so we went t o Namba ^^
in namba we found the "alternative" street :) and wvwrything is so unexpencive!!! I mean... lolita outfits for 6000 Yen. That is nothing... We found algon quins where I brought a bag ^^ and they were so nice in there ^^
And then we found it! right after I had seen a chihuaua with a small lolitadress xD
they played MUCC in the store ^^ and it was so unexpensive (to be sex pot) my t-hirt costed around 6000 yen so I am glad ^^
what i do not like is that I have brought for so much money...but on secound hand... I litterly dont eat so I save money there ;D we eat about a sandwitch per day.... but today i found tortilas with avocado so that is my dinner. (youghurt for lunch) But I am ever hungry... it is to hot to eat.. but Ido drink alot, 3-4 botles of water and juice a day (the water on the hotel is warm and have a strong sence of chlorine... so it is bottlewater for me here.
this was my day today... I do think I will lose some wheight here because 1. I dont eat 2. I walk for at least 6 houres a day 3. It is so hot here so I swett all the time...
Tomorow we will leave Osaka and go to Hiroshima, Ryokan here we come!
This is jojjos picture as well

I did not have time to write here yesterday so I`ll write about yesterday today instead ^^
we went upp at 8 am and started to walk in our area, first stop were the "Familymart" were we tried to find sme breakfast.. but we ended upp visiting the lokal zoo ^__^ Tennoji zoo. The ticket was just on 500 Yen .___. and it was a BIG zoo. they had everything from seaturtles to hippos ^^ we were at the zoo untill 12.30 and because bouth of Girugamesh consert were sold out we had the rest of the day to do anything we wanted ^__^ so we ended up visiting Namba, it was only one station away so it was not to hard to figure out how to to with the ticket. In Namba we first sat down to eat (because you normaly do not eat and walk at the same time) and there were a pair of japanese thre who talked loudly to each other and screamed and stuff... we thought that they were practising to some form of act or something similar... I got a bird to eat from my hand!
after thet we went to a funy store where jojjo brought some chlotes and a pair of shoes.. thoes who worked in the store were very kind and helpful they tied her shoes and everything :D the dressing room in that store were funny to, it looked like an ordinary entrance to a japanese house with a low and a high floor so you were suposed to take of your shoes before you wlked to the high part.. and thoes that worked in the store knocked on the door to see if it was empty. haha, I brought 2 hats in that store as well ^^ 3150 Yen each.
After this we walked around for a while and jojjo brought a new bag.. and I brought a umbrella, nailes, some stuff to a friend, nail color remover etc, and the total price ended up around 1000 Yen, cheap as hell! ;)
we came back to the hotell around 8 pm, so we had walked for around 12 houres this day... our feet were so DEAD!...
That is everything for now, today we re goung to Umeda and I have to try to find a new camera and some chlotes ^^ さよなれ!
at the pic, It is jojjos, and it is from the Tenoji zoo

Hello! Now I am sitting @ a computer @ our hotell. With a Japanese keybord with japanese writing... so it takes a long time to write ^^"
The flight went well, it took only 9 houres and we were @ around 11000 meters upp and it was around -47 C... We arived to Kansai airport around 12 am japanese time. and after a time wi manage to get to the hotell... It is HOT (!) here... today it has been about 30 C and it is very "fuktigt" (do not remember the word in english) so you swett al the time ._.
My room is very small, It is just a bed (japanese style) a window and a tv. The clovk are now 20.55 pm and we have just camed back from a walk around the hotel, there are arcadehalls everywere, and it is people siting everywere too...
don]t really know what more to write now... I just want to go back to my room to my aircondition xD
I will write again soon ^^
At pic, ugly me ,___, haha
Cold pray
mood: Inner grief
currently listening to: Pokemon first intro in France
Today I met Datenshi and helped her to find Tyrol, she were to se Miyavi.. I did also brought 2 pair of tights, one neongreen and one neonorange fishnet. ^___^
Me and jojjo (well mostly me, I desided it before I asked her, so she had to folow eaven if she wouldn't want to but now she did) that we will try to go to several conserts in japan, like, Girugamesh, versailles, Chariots ( i get to se Ruki ;___; <3), 12012, Despair'sRay and Kiyoharu. Tanuki is HAPPI fish ^_____^
I have booked and payed the tickets to uppcon, and I'm going to japan on thurstay.
The only bad is.... that I havn't started to pack yet ^ ^"
Now I'm of to wach pokemon movie 7 while eating salted beef :)
currently listening to: Pokemon first intro in France
Today I met Datenshi and helped her to find Tyrol, she were to se Miyavi.. I did also brought 2 pair of tights, one neongreen and one neonorange fishnet. ^___^
Me and jojjo (well mostly me, I desided it before I asked her, so she had to folow eaven if she wouldn't want to but now she did) that we will try to go to several conserts in japan, like, Girugamesh, versailles, Chariots ( i get to se Ruki ;___; <3), 12012, Despair'sRay and Kiyoharu. Tanuki is HAPPI fish ^_____^
I have booked and payed the tickets to uppcon, and I'm going to japan on thurstay.
The only bad is.... that I havn't started to pack yet ^ ^"
Now I'm of to wach pokemon movie 7 while eating salted beef :)
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