
Versailles in paris

This is a pretty late topic ^^" But maybe better late then never? ;)
Me and veran were to paris this summer to se versailles! (I had already seen them in london with gina, tess, malin, carin and bella)
The day before the consert the band had a Signing dedication at the Baby The Stars Shine Bright store, and thanks to the french versailles forum I found out about this and we manage to get invitations for it! <3

Kamijo~~ <3

Well.. This is how I looked like v__v crappy picture..
I made this corset for this exakt moment <3 And I have embroidered the butterfly myself, took about 70-80 Hours.. Hizaki loved it! So it was totaly worth it!

I had the same outfit at the consert, but a red rose in my hair instead of the crown. (witch is from supurate system btw) And I had my kamijo-perfume necklace on~
The consert was awsome! I had a red rose and Kamijo took it under the intro of PRINCE (he did the wery same at the london consert <3) They played Silent Knight And I realy did not expect that so it made me wery happy <3

1 kommentar:

Anonym sa...

bättre sent än aldrig. Och konserten var så bra och vi hade massa kul =D =D