
A change?

I stayed up late yesterday and watched History of the other side - Versailles
They are so silly and cute and I love them. <3

I need a change >__< and fast! I'm considering getting more strict with my diet (stupid delicious fruit (;´д`)

But I'm getting more serious with my cosplay and it motivates me to keep fighting and not to give up! ♪(´θ ` )ノ



I want versailles new single NOW! D:

I'm to curious and don't want to wait any longer ( ̄□ ̄;)

I'm so tired, couldn't sleep tonight for some reason.. I think I manage to sleep around 5-6 in the morning.. I thought about a lot of things, My Jewelry-project (witch is secret, sorry) Cosplays for uppcon, a dress I want to sew just o have done it. aaand Wig-styling ( ゚ ▽ ゚ )

Now I have to write stuff for a job application I found last night at AF *hope I get it* It's a storage post at a candy wholesaler ( ・ω ・ )

nooow I have to continue to clean the apartment~~